All posts in Illnesses and the Elderly

November is Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

November is Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, a degenerative brain disease in which the brain size decreases. Of the 9 types of dementia, Alzheimer’s accounts for well over 60%. More people die of Alzheimer’s disease than of breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. Yet, the awareness level of this debilitating disease is lower. Research funding also lags behind many other diseases.


Flu Season: What Seniors and Caregivers Need to Know

Flu Season: What Seniors and Caregivers Need to Know

seniors-fluFlu season is upon us and most health professionals agree that getting a flu shot is important for certain segments of society.  Senior citizens, often unable to battle the flu are encouraged to get flu shots.

While people over 65 years old account for about 13% of the population, they make up over 50% of the people hospitalized from flu complications. Furthermore, people over 65 years old account for about 90% of the deaths attributed to the flu.
